I don't always come off the way I want to on the internet, it's not like in real life. I often think that people dislike or even hate me on forums or on Facebook.
Am I being paranoid? Are there people who hate me on here?
I don't always come off the way I want to on the internet, it's not like in real life. I often think that people dislike or even hate me on forums or on Facebook.
Am I being paranoid? Are there people who hate me on here?
Nope, not just you. I don't hate you. I've seen you around on here and on that other site and you seem like a good person and there's no reason for me to hate you. But heck, I know the feeling. Paranoid even online, anxiety even on here...sigh...
Part of social anxiety/social phobia is the belief that people dislike or hate us. There have been quite a few studies done on this.
Personally, I've never had any cause to dislike you. I'll say this though: avoid holding yourself hostage to the opinions of other people. Seriously. Overly worrying about the opinions others have of you stops you from doing things and enjoying your life.
Well, I certainly don't hate you. You seem like a genuinely nice person! I'll often start typing out a reply and then delete the whole thing, assuming my opinion is moot/dumb/unpopular/unintelligent etc. Tone can be difficult to express through text, but I think it's safe to say for the most part we're way too hard on ourselves.
I was (and still am, to some extent) the same way. I didn't get any attention from my parents when I was little (unless I did something bad). My dad always seemed too busy to pay me any time. I grew up feeling inadequate. Self esteem is a funny thing. We are so often our own worse enemies, or at least, toughest critics. The sad thing is that the negative baggage that we carry for so long is usually the result of what happened in a few short years in our childhood. It is often so hard to just let it go. I'm sure everybody would tell you to see a shrink. Don't let them give you some kind of drug to make you feel better except as a last, last resort! You have to explore what you really, really like about yourself. You can't spend the rest of your life trying to impress or please your parents. Your life doesn't belong to them, it belongs to you. Also, if you do drugs, stop; they really screw up the way you see yourself. Good luck to you! Ps. I took up flying as the fulfillment of a lifelong dream, and it has made me so much more confident and self-validating. Do something like that for yourself
I always thought you seemed pretty cool, don't worry about it![]()
A lot of people say things on the net they normally wouldn't say in real life. Personally, even though I have social phobia, I could care less what someone thinks about me on the net. The internet is just something that's mildly more interesting and engaging than watching television. I try not to care about what people say to me on the net. It isn't real life. I don't even look at people on a forum as real people, I just look at their posts as a computer shooting out text. Chances are you're not going to have a personal relationship with someone you meet on the net. like a friendship or a romantic relationship so what someone says doesn't bother me that much.
The surfing site I go to is another story. I know people who post on that forum irl. The culture in surfing and the culture where I live is extremely violent and backing down only emblodems them and brings more of them upon you, so it's important too defend yourself against any attacls to the best of your ability, otherwise there will be consequences.
I don't get a signature.
You seem like a nice guy, try not to worry about it(I know easier said than done). Can't please them all and the ones you can't not worth stressing over.
People dislike me but I don't care.
I'd rather be hated for who I am, than loved for who I am not. -Kurt Cobain
I get into arguments about relationships all the time, and assume people dislike me. Maybe I'm wrong, but it sometimes feels that way.
You're not alone. I feel like I annoy most people cause once someone adds me & reads what I post they delete me not long after. Then if I express my positive feelings to someone they don't say much positive in return & end up changing the subject. Really I feel like just deleting every dern thing I'm on sometimes or just not bothering to speak to people. I don't think people like how I'm short of words & lack a decent response to their life issues. I come off about like Sheldon off of The Big Bang Theory.
I don't hate you. You rule!
It's too bad you left SAS.