For those with ADHD: Which of Dr. Amen's 6 Types of ADD do you suffer from?
I think I would fit best with Type 2. Inattentive ADD and Type 3. Overfocused ADD.
Dr. Amen's 6 Types of ADD
Type 1. Classic ADD (ADHD) -- inattentive, distractible, disorganized, hyperactive, restless, and impulsive.
Type 2. Inattentive ADD -- inattentive and easily distracted, but not hyperactive; sluggish, slow moving, low motivation, and often described as space cadets, daydreamers, couch potatoes.
Type 3. Overfocused ADD - inattentive, trouble shifting attention, frequently get stuck in loops of negative thoughts or behaviors, obsessive, excessive worrying, inflexible, frequent oppositional and argumentative behavior. May or may not be hyperactive.
Type 4. Temporal Lobe ADD - inattentive, irritable, quick temper, aggressive, dark thoughts, mood instability, and severe impulsivity. May or may not be hyperactive.
Type 5. Limbic ADD - inattentive, chronic low grade depression, negativity, "glass half empty syndrome," low energy, and frequent feelings of hopelessness and worthlessness. May or may not be hyperactive.
Type 6. Ring of Fire ADD - inattentive, extreme distractibility, angry, irritable, overly sensitive to noise, light, clothes and touch; often inflexible, cyclic moodiness, hyperverbal, and opposition. May or may not be hyperactive.