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  1. #1
    rapidfox1's Avatar
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    It's good to isolate yourself

    ...from humanity.

    Througout my life, people have brought me pain and work. It's like I'm a slave in pain. Combined with my social anxiety, I get really nervous around them so I can't be with them.

    Then there's the fact that people can be very cruel and judgemental. Especially to the shy and the mentally ill. They don't care about helping you.

    You know what their solution is to fix your problems. To conform. To be like everyone else. Or to be doped up on drugs in order to gain happiness.

    The thing is, I have seen how cruel people can truly be. They bully, they cheat, they hate.

    When you're lonely, sure, you have boredom but no love. But hey, it's like the lesser of two evils. Loneliness is good it can bring one freedom, peace, and the ability to think critically. I want to adapt to being alone so I may never get hurt by people.

    Soon, when I finish high school and college, I am going to be so isolated. It may be so awesome! I will have the time to write literature. Of course, I'll try to get a job. Hopefully, I will get an introvert job where I won't have to deal with people.

    I see on this site how many people despair over being lonely. I see how hard they try but they never amount to anything. Or they did have what social people have but not anymore. I don't want to be in this state of despair; I don't want to cry over that what I cannot have; the possesions of social people.

    I rapidfox1 will pursue a life of supreme isolation. I will have no friends, no family, no sex, no social life. My life will be simple. People won't care about but I shall care about myself. If God or gods exists, they shall be accompany me; they shall and have always been with me.

    Perhaps you should pursue a life of supreme isolation.

    Anyways, I'm of to do my work; I have to do my school work. You see how people force me to work. I'd rather do something better with my time. Goodbye.

    *I should mention this is an old post. I've posted this on SAS. I still feel like isolating myself so it's relevant to me. I've put this thread here to know what you users think.

  2. #2
    Total Eclipse's Avatar Happy Sparkles and Coffee
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    It's a double edge sword so to speak. isolation can be extremes and the cycle is hard to break. My version of being a loner would be total isolation. Well, isolation is both comforting and instantly provoking.The battle is truly one that is wearing physically, mentally and emotionally.

    Also I think you could use a big hug

  3. #3
    Otherside's Avatar
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    On one hand, I can see this. I'm an Introvert and I prefer to spend a lot of time alone, and I would seriously struggle with life if I did not have the time to write the way I do and be alone the way I's just so peaceful being alone, I can relax and just "recharge" so to speak. I don't quite know how to describe it but being around people constantly leaves me somewhat grumpy with everyone in this world. I'm a writer like you and I know how frustrating High School is, and generally, people in general at times.

    I guess there's nothing wrong with being alone. So long as you are able to somewhat support yourself. That's the beauty of a free country, no one is forcing you to "go out, meet people, have sex, marry, have kids". I'm just guessing SA has got to be harder for extroverts that it is or introverts, and I'm guessing you're one, especially the ones that are more introverted than usual, might well have SA, but at the very least, we can somewhat find some beauty and comfort in being alone.

    I'm never going to be able to work out how some people can't bear to spend a minute alone, and fancy spending every second of the day socializing and partying. Seriously, that'd fry my brain.

  4. #4
    rapidfox1's Avatar
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    Thanks for the hug. I needed it.

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