I need to find out characteristics of why poker and other games (slots, baccarat, etc.) can be converted into an online platform.
I need to find out characteristics of why poker and other games (slots, baccarat, etc.) can be converted into an online platform.
Hey sweety - there is no quick fix to getting rid of anxiety. There are a lot of things that can be effective in creating a more calmness within but I find for the most part you need to learn how to physically calm your mind yourself. For me I find yoga, running and a decent amount of sleep are very good on my anxiety, I need to create time for myself away from my busy world with lots of self refection. I don't use foods or supplements to help my anxiety though I am sure there are things that work.
There's something called St Johns Wort. I've never tried it, but a lot people swear by it and claim it's as good as the stuff on prescription. You should be able to get it from the pharmacy. It's about the only natural medicine I've heard of, but I don't have any expierence with it.
St Johns Wort and CBT
I have not failed. I've just found 10,000 ways that won't work.
Natural remedies are not necessarily safe and it's important that you check with your doctor before taking any natural remedy. St John's Wort has shown some promise as a treatment for anxiety, depression and low mood. However, there's also evidence it can make your skin very vulnerable to sun damage and you cannot take it if you are already taking anti depressants or certain other drugs because it interacts with those medications.
Things like Valerian and Passion Flower are also used as remedies for anxiety but again, check with your doctor first. Valerian can cause allergic reactions in even tiny doses so discuss everything you plan to take with your doctor before taking anything.
There is some evidence that the compounds found in Green Tea can help reduce anxiety. The research suggests that these compounds may make a non stressed person calmer but do not necessarily make a person who is anxious relax.
Any herbal or "natural" supplement is not necessarily a medicine. In some cases it may simply be a vitamin. Taking a herbal supplement is not necessarily like taking a drug. These herbal supplements are designed to release their effects over long periods of time. They lack the power of a prescribed medication and it's fair to say they also lack many of the quality checks and testing before being allowed onto the market.
See your doctor, tell them about your anxiety and how its effecting you and discuss natural remedies with them if you so choose to.
Exactly! For the same reason that severe pain often requires a real painkiller, the herbal remedies for anxiety and depression aren't usually as effective as the meds designed to address the problem. That's why I suggest activities to reduce the symptoms instead of other chemicals, if the person doesn't want to take traditional meds.
I find L-Tyrosine to be very helpfull in lifting me up and making me want to be more social. But tolerance builds very fast so breaks must be taken when using it.
"A still more glorious dawn awaits
Not a sunrise, but a galaxy rise
A morning filled with 400 billion suns
The rising of the milky way"
"The sky calls to us
If we do not destroy ourselves
We will one day venture to the stars" -Carl Sagan
Exercise and some physical activities can help to deal with the anxiety.
Yoga, meditation, cardio exercises, sports activities, and fun activities are more important natural remedies to cope with the anxiety and depression.
^ this, I've had yoga, meditation suggested to me by pdocs. This website was suggested to me, I've been given some stuff off of it by my pdoc. Seems to be used a bit over here. http://www.getselfhelp.co.uk/meditation.htm There's a couple of downloads and things for the meditation. May feel like a complete idiot doing meditation (at least I did at first, for some reason) but it does work, the breathing exercises do help to calm you down.
Hold your breath for 20 seconds , repeat.
1. slows down your heart rate
2. blocks out thoughts because its difficult to think
This but if done repetitively works for my OCD.
There is 5htp , they come in tablets , its also called 5 hydroxytryptophan