So there's a thread on abortion that's cropped up and it's got me thinking. I don't know where I stand on this. I mostly leaning towards the "stem cells taken from embryos can save lives" side, really. We all have stem cells. For those of you that don't know they're cells that can become any type of cell that's needed. An embryo would have quite a lot of them-embryonic stem cells that have the potential to become the cells to make up organs, for example. Adults don't have them. Which is the reason why we cannot just grow another kidney if needed.
I'm probably not explaining this well. I'm sure you've heard of this before, but heck, there's a lot of BS out there about it. The possibility is that the usage of these embryonic stem cells could save lives. If we were to make an embryo with the exact same genetic code as you have (pretty much a clone), we could grow a kidney, liver, possibly even a heart that is identical to the one you currently have. The advantage of this is that we would be able to grow organs for people who needed a transplant, for whatever reason. The waiting lists for transplants are long, sometimes years long. Generally, it involves waiting for a willing donor, or for somebody to die who's prepared to donate there organs after death. Even after his happens, there is the chance of the organ being rejected by the person it is transplanted into. Even if the organ is not rejected, the person will be taking medication for the rest of his life to reduce the risk of a rejection happening in the future.
Then there's the other side of the argument. Is the embryo a life or not? Is it murder?
I just don't know where I really stand in this argument.