I think this song, video and lyrics, explains so much
You are perfect at who you are, don't change yourself to fit in, find where you fit in. Don't change who you are, develop and learn about yourself. It took me a long time to accept and respect myself. I have found where I fit in, I didn't change myself to fit in but rather learnt to love myself and appreciate all the non "normal" things about me - I love being introverted and understanding that has helped my anxiety so much. I fucking don't care what people think any more - I'm not perfect but I am me and I love that person. Every time I listen to this song I cry.
I am leaving anxiety boards for good and want to thank everyone who has helped me get this far in my life - even if we never spoke I bet you have contributed. Thank you for this forum I hope everything goes in your favour and I love all of you.
Take Care of yourself