I volunteered to work at a ticket booth at the local 4th of July festival beer tent tonight. I am freaking out right now, but I know it is ultimately good for me. My therapist has been trying for a couple months to get me to go do something around people and I guess a packed beer tent where I am FORCED to interact with people will do just that. I'm just freaking out because I grew up in this small town and the night before 4th of July is when all the people come back to town to drink at the beer tent. I have gone a couple times and it is always awkward because there are so many people there who I never said a word to in high school who I am then forced to have awkward small talk with. Hopefully it will be busy enough where I will be too busy selling drink tickets to have people lingering around small-talking me to death.
Yeah, just 4 hours. Shouldn't be a big deal. It's stupid all the crap I worry about though. Like 'what if I get hungry', 'what if I give someone the wrong change', 'what if I say something stupid', 'what if I don't feel comfortable with the other people working', etc. It's like SHUT UP BRAIN!
Welp...turns out they had too many people volunteer and I am off the hook. Despite the anxiety, I kind of, sort of, wanted to do this just because I get kind of depressed sitting inside by myself all night listening to fireworks in the distance knowing that 99.9% of everybody else is out having a good time. Oh well. Guess I have time to clean my apartment now.