I'm am not meant to be on here but in reality I have no one else to talk this out with. I could do with some advise...
So I used to have much worse anxiety - at present it is fairly settled and I can get on with life and yadda yadda yadda...
Part of what I had to "get over" was feeling inferior to other people, for the most part I find or can confidence myself that I am equal to others
My boyfriend, after a night out and a few drinks, just told me that he can feel intimated and inferior to me....my reaction was to cry because I felt this way in a relationship before and ended it because it wasn't right for me.
I don't want to be intimating...I couldn't be if I tried... it scares me to think he feels below me
Because I'm in college and working two jobs for the summer in order to achieve my career
He has a degree and has worked in a shop non degree related for a few years and now feels he should go back to college as a post grad. I am all for him going to college but don't want him to feel pressure.
So it sounds like he's a bit intimidated by your ambition and determination. It sounds like he admires that and wants to have those qualities as well so that's probably partly why he feels he should go back to uni. Do you know if he is happy where he is at the moment job/career wise? Is he doing what he wants to be doing? Because it's important to distinguish whether he feels pressured to go back to uni because he thinks he should or if he wants to go back so that he can get what he wants out of life, you know?
I really want to talk to him, but he is not about for the next few days. Thought I didn't think of it like you said above. He is infact stuck in his current and been talking about getting out of it a lot but done nothing. I hope it is what he wants for himself. Thanks hun xxx