This isn't exactly...a phobia. Or maybe it is. I don't know. I don't know where to put it. It's not something that affects my life majorly. I'm just curious. Is this just me? Is this something a lot of people with Anx have problems with?
It's more a...dislike rather than full blown panic attack anxiety. I will use a elevator if I have to. But given the option between walking twenty flights of stairs or using a elevator, I'd take the stairs, even if I do have a big heavy suitcase with me that I have to drag up (Although I've yet to actually have to stay on the 20th floor of a hotel...) I've never liked crowds or small spaces...and crowded elevator...aren't exactly pleasant, and the whole time I'm just praying I can get out of there...although not exactly having any of the symptoms I usually would with anxiety. No dizziness, no fast breathing or rapid heartrate, no feeling sick...if anything the only thing is that I feel slightly light headed and can't think straight.
Nightmares for me generally involve a very, very small and unsafe elevator on the top of say, a skyscrapper or something, in which the cable snaps and the lifts ends up freefalling through the shaft. And although I have absolutley no idea what being stuck in a falling lift is like, I can imagine it's pretty horrible, and heck, sometimes in my dream, I can feel the pressure, air rushing fast, and the fear of falling...before waking up and realizing that I am in fact, on the second floor of a house, in bed, and not in a elevator.
Thinking about, it probably has something to with control. In an do I put this, it seems...trapped. You're trapped in that metal box and there is pretty much no way out if something goes wrong. On the stairs...well, at least you're the one doing the movement and you're the one in control, although I guess the stairs could collapse or something, but still...
That sounds really stupid. I can drive a car. I can fly on a plane. For heaven sakes, it's not even about heights. I've absailled down a building and jumped off a cliff (It was purely recreational, and it was in an area where it had been okayed to do it)...but I seem to have a problem when it comes to taking elevator...more of problem taking it down, than up.
I'm not looking for a soultion or advise...just curious if anyone else has a hatred of elevators, elevator-phobia, or any other, odd, small box related dislike?