I believe it could be yes, and vice versa. I think anxiety can lead to hyper-arousal and excess release of stress hormones, the result could be poorer/lighter sleep, fatigue and so on.
Guess so. If anything, being anxious just makes me exhausted, if that makes sense.
Yeah, but it can be a whole host of other ailments, low thyroid, a low grade infection, adrenal burnout, chronic fatigue syndrome, sleep issues, even nutritional deficiencies. Best thing to do first, is to get a full blood panel draw from your doc., to rule out other possibilities besides anxiety.
"There is a crack in everythingThat's how the light gets in."- Leonard Cohen
I would say that makes sense, I usually feel anxious and exhausted all at the same time.
Oh Gosh yes - all that extra energy being used drain anyone
life---> <---me
This is a good post, reminds of how recently I feel extra worn down.
I think so I'm generally tired after being really anxious and alert
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Fatigue is definitely a symptom of anxiety. When I have gone a long period of time feeling anxious, I feel exhausted and I can't stop yawning either. Anxiety really takes a lot of energy out of our bodies.
"It is never too late to be what you might have been." - George Eliot
No wonder if your there shaking and twitching and on red alert and that's without going into if you have a full blown anxiety or panic attack we should all be skinny at this rate shouldn't we haha we're the logic ??
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It would make life easier if it were true though haha
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