This year I worked as an RA in my college dorm. There was this one resident who I talked to a lot and became friends with, but after a while I got really annoyed with him and didn't want to hang around him anymore. There was just stuff about him that rubbed me the wrong way. He would often talk about how much people sucked and I just got sick of hearing him moan.
There was one time he went into my staff's mail room, where residents are prohibited to go, and I told him to get out. I had to write a violation report on the incident as I am required to do. I take my job seriously and when someone violates the rules, I take action accordingly. For all I know he could have been stealing something... I don't take chances. It was nothing personal.
When he found out about this, he got pissed at me and unfriended me on facebook and then wrote a status about me. It's weird, cuz I didn't want him hanging around me anymore and I got what I wanted... but at the same time I feel pissed at him for getting pissed at me. I don't feel what I did was wrong but in his eyes I wronged him.
Clearly the right thing to do would be for me just to forget about him and worry about myself, but I'm weird and can't find the strength to stop thinking about this. |