I know it's advertising, but to throw an unsolicited advertisement at people is just rude. I know these are just ordinary people trying to make a living in sales. It's just annoying that their employer wants them to troll cyberspace throwing their product at us like we would jump at the chance to buy their shit.
I get very insulted when I see spammers on forums. It's sleazy. Rather than pay for advertising, they infiltrate forums with their free advertising. Isn't there somebody to report them to? I know when I get spam in my mail, I immediately forward it to spam@uce.gov.
I also report unsolicited phone calls which somehow get past my no-call block. And I have a sign on my door "No Solicitation" and when people leave something on my door, I call the number and tell them how sorry I am to hear that their company employees can't read. Then I further tell them that I can't trust a company who never learned to read.
Just ranting about rude people.