10. John Adams
John Adams was not just one of the Founders of America, he was a popular drunk as well. When he got into Harvard at age 15, he was frequently seen drinking beer while eating breakfast. While on trip to Philadelphia in 1777, he wrote a letter to his wife…
I would give three guineas for a barrel of your cider. Not one drop of it to be had here for gold, and wine is not to be had under $68 per gallon… Rum is forty shillings a gallon… I would give a guinea for a barrel of your beer. A small beer here is wretchedly bad. In short, I am getting nothing that I can drink, and I believe I shall be sick from this cause alone.
9. Andrew Johnson
His legendarily bad performance at the second inauguration of Abraham Lincoln in 1864 was a shock to many including Abraham Lincoln, the President, himself. Some biographers have claimed that Johnson was sick before the 1864 inaugural—typhoid —which could be true. What is 100% sure is that he was drunk. Johnson had a few glasses of whiskey with the outgoing VP, Hannibal Hamlin, at the Capitol before the inauguration began. By the time Johnson got to the podium, he was not just drunk, but unsteady. According to one newspaper account, he told the gathered politicians they owed everything they were to “the people,” and then addressed Lincoln’s cabinet members.
8. FDR
Yup. That wheelchair probably wasn’t just for Polio, as Franklin Delano Roosevelt indulged in the girliest of drinks, a “Haitian concoction” that consisted of dark rum, egg whites, brown sugar, and orange juice. Ugh. I’m getting a headache just thinking about the recipe and its contents. Maybe some scotch or bourbon to man things up a bit? He did end The Great Depression. Let the man drink what his heart desires.
7. Bill Clinton
During the Clinton years, the President was embroiled in a controversy over his possible use of Marijuana. While younger, Clinton admitted to using marijuana, although he famously claimed that he never inhaled it. This type of double-talk revisited him again during the Monica Lewinsky scandal, and Clinton is believed by many to have experimented with not only marijuana but with a number of other substances such as alcohol. Rumors arose about an incident that took place in the 1980’s while Clinton was still governor of Arkansas. According to Dr. Sam Houston, a well respected doctor in Little Rock (and one-time doctor to Hillary’s father), when he made claims regarding an alleged cocaine overdose by Clinton. Apparently the incident was well known in Little Rock medical circles as well as well documented.
6. Richard M. Nixon
During the Watergate Scandal, Nixon was drinking more than he ever did before. He became even more depressed as he put himself and his family through humiliation over his resignations, which occurred in 1975. Many would not hear from Nixon for years after his resignation because of the shame he felt. The drinking problem was discovered in Nixon’s biography written by Stephen Ambrose. 5. Martin van Buren
van Buren could drink for days and not show any signs of intoxication, so many of his friends nicknamed him the “Blue Whiskey Van.” In the 1840 Presidential Election, William Henry Harrison’s campaign painted Van Buren as an alcoholic, which contributed to Van Buren losing the election. Unfortunately for America, Harrison died on his 32nd day in office of complications from pneumonia. His death sparked a brief constitutional crisis, but that crisis ultimately resolved many questions about presidential succession left unanswered by the Constitution until passage of the 25th Amendment.
4. Franklin Pierce
Pierce was probably the presidency’s greatest drunk, consuming great quantities of alcohol while in office, and appearing drunk in many instances. Shortly before he was inaugurated, he and his wife were involved in a train accident where their only son was nearly decapitated right before their eyes. Because of the traumatic incident, Pierce became significantly depressed and saw the accident as punishment for his sins. At the end of his presidential term, when asked what was next for him, Pierce stated “There is nothing left…but to get drunk.”
3. James Buchanan
Buchanan would throw tantrums when the White House would only be stocked with small bottles of champagne. Every Sunday he would visit a distillery to pick up a 10 GALLON jug of whiskey. He’d drink cognac… and up to two BOTTLES of other alcohol… every evening. According to historians, he could really handle the liquor he drank. Never were there any headaches, faltering steps, and/or flushed cheek. All was as cool, calm and cautious and watchful as in the beginning.” But… while he was able to be a smooth drunk on the outside, on the inside, the alcohol was beating him up. His immune system was so weakened that he got the gout and got dysentery.
2. Barack Obama
2010 news report claimed that Barack Obama suffered from a drinking problem. The Daily Mail reported that his doctor recommended that the President stop drinking excessively a well as stop smoking as they both contributed to his high cholesterol level, which was on a borderline high. The drinking problem made news in 2009 when beer became the central figure in national race relations. The so-called “Beer Summit” brought together Obama, Obama’s friend and Harvard Professor Robert Louis Gates Jr., and the police officer that Obama accused of “acting stupidly,” Sgt. James Crowley. The summit was intended to ease the tension caused after Crowley arrested Gates (who happens to be black) for riotous conduct and to only be denounced by the President of the United States. Sgt. Leon Lashley (who happened to be black) was at the scene of the arrest and claimed that Crowley made the right decision. In the end, the beer summit achieved nothinbg, with no individual divulging fault in the matter.
1. George W. Bush
George W. Bush is no saint and the 1960s and 70s were some of the toughest decades he saw. Bush even admitted to substance abuse under the age of 40. He described this period as part of his “nomadic and irresponsible youth: years. This all occurred before he made a religious conversion and was enlightened by Billy Graham. Anyone interested in learning more should watch the
Jesus Factor.
On December 21, 2006, Pink released a song “Dear Mr. President”. The song was an open letter to then President of the United States,
George W. Bush. The song condemned Bush’s administration and policies, including the Iraq War, No Child Left Behind Act, disapproval of equal rights for homosexuals. She also scrutinized his drinking and drug habits, quoting “You’ve come along way since whiskey and cocaine”.