Hair cuts can be a slightly unpleasant/difficult experience for me these days. This probably doesn't have a lot to do with my anxiety. It is probably something and my personality. For one thing, I frequently feel like I don't fit in in beauty salons/hair cutting places, anything that is all about beautification, I often feel uncomfortable. The main thing is I wanted the person cutting my hair to be gentle with it, that was mainly it, that and a trim. Nothing extraordinary. Somehow she managed to pull on my hair a lot and I could hear it ripping. It's like the sound of threads breaking when I try to put a shirt on that is just too tight and I force it over my shoulders anyhow, those little popping sounds of the threads breaking. Well of course she did the same thing to my hair which bothers me particularly because my hair has been falling out due to stress. So of course the last thing I want is for a hair dresser to rip it. I told her to only cut a half inch off....thank god because if it were to come out badly I don't want to be growing it out for another 6 months before another person could fix it... I think I like my hair, that it the only pretty thing about me and that is probably why I feel like I will flip out if somebody ruins in. In fact I almost walked out of the salon mid-hair cut today. I just started feeling angry like she was messin3g it up and scared of what it would look like afterwards. I am a little miffed that she pulled my hair so much. Sigh, there is only so much we can do to control every experience in life. I don't need somebody to kiss my [BEEP] when I go into a salon, I just want a good haircut without them ripping my hair. That seems like not a lot to ask for. I've had 3 hairdressers who could do that. The phooey. My hair looks almost the same it was only a trim but I'm not that happy with it, it's just mediocre. There is also something about going to a salon that makes me feel ugly. Prettiness stresses me out, mainly because I often seem to not be able to do it, and the truth is I don't understand where chicks get all the time and money to beautify themselves. It's really stupid but I even started crying on the way home from getting my hair cut, it's not even a horrible hair cut, like I said it's mediocre. Probably not worth crying over...and I think it's probably about more than my hair. Over all maybe I feel bad about myself and how I look but the majority of the time I kind of put it out of my mind, I simply don't think about it.