I want to go to the ER or be admitted to the hospital... I am having stomache and bowel issues again. I am so tired of feeling this way. I want to know what is wrong with me. Why isn't my doctor taking me serious. I feel so alone like i don't know where to go anymore. I pray to god that i can trust my doctor that i am fine and that he is working through the doctor to help me get well. But it gets hard when i keep having all these back and stomache troubles. My Fiance isn't much help and all she does is ask me "Whats wrong" and i tell her over and over that i am scared that i am dying and i feel like crap. All she says is "your not dying" then 30 minutes later she ask "Whats wrong" again. I need someone that is understanding and trys to at least comfort me. I am not having any luck finding a therapist. Has anyone else had stomache problems that have lasted 3 weeks? Dave.