#10 Serrano
Ranking tenth, the Serrano pepper, cultivated primarily in New Mexico, achieves a relatively inoffensive SHU rating between 10,000 and 23,000.

#9 Tabasco
Tabasco peppers are ranked ninth on the Scoville Scale. These are used to make Tabasco sauce, and are among the hottest peppers mass produced for mainstream consumption. A product of Louisiana, Tabasco peppers measure between 30,000 and 50,000 SHU.

#8 Cayenne
The thin, red Cayenne pepper, also called the Guinea pepper, is often ground into a powder and used in cooking. Cayenne and Tabasco peppers are tied in SHU intensity, both carrying 30,000 to 50,000 SHU.

See the rest: http://sarcasticallysarcastic.com/th...ppers-on-earth