A man who has a habit of rolling around naked in cow manure has been transferred from a British mental hospital to a prison.
David Truscott, 44, has served three jail sentences as a result of his bizarre fetish. He also has admitted threatening to kill a farmer and his family after they tried to ban him from going onto their land.
At one point, the farmer, Clive Ross, tried to deter Truscott from getting naked in the muck spreader by cleaning it. Truscott retaliated by setting the farm on fire, according to the Exeter Express and Echo newspaper.
Truscott is autistic, but Judge Francis Gilbert at Exeter Crown Court decided to transfer the suspect from a mental hospital to a prison after reading a report from a doctor who is treating him. ...................(more)
The complete piece is at: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/11/13/david-truscott_n_4269761.html?utm_hp_ref=weird-news
This did NOT happen in Florida. The madness is spreading.