Just something I seem to have noticed. There seems to be a lot of people thinking that Britain/being British would be epic. Meanwhile, I stare at them oddly and wonder why on earth they'd want that. And we think our own culture is well...dull.
A lot of us over here think the American culture is pretty epic, and would like to be American. Seem to see a lot of American's going "And Why the hell would you want to live here?"
The same being said of France. And Australia. And pretty much anywhere in the world.
Although there is always the people who are overly patriotic about there country and love it to bits. Ugh, that's an odd one over here. We short of struggle with the concept of patrioism, and end up muttering something about god saving the queen or something when it comes to a national anthem. And nobody really has a clue what the words are.
Just something I've noticed. And felt the need to share for some reason.