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  1. #1
    toaster little's Avatar
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    Why do people always try to get involved in other people's businesses?

    I just watched this video:

    because it was trending on YouTube.

    These strangers walking down the street and shopping decide to step in comment because obviously they know exactly what's going on right? How in the world could they possibly expect to know what the people in the video have been through to get involved like that? Do people really believe everything they see and hear when there's something going on in public?

    Oh and the guy recording the video makes excuses like "she's a girl, she's weak" which is just ridiculous. The girl in the video was willing to get violent, from what I saw in the YouTube comments. If you hear the cops in the video talking, they state that people get the same treatment regardless of gender, so why would anyone expect one gender to get better treatment over the other? Does gender discrimination not work both ways?

    Sorry the video is so loud. You might have to turn down the volume.

  2. #2
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    I have my own set of handcuffs, and it doesn't hurt when they are placed on you, even forcefully with your hands behind your back. The only time it hurts is when you fight it. I give police officers the benefit of the doubt, because at the end of the day they are just doing their job, they don't usually go out looking for trouble.

    Quote toaster little View Post
    the guy recording the video makes excuses like "she's a girl, she's weak" which is just ridiculous
    Yes, it is.

  3. #3
    Chieve's Avatar
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    Quote toaster little View Post
    I just watched this video:

    because it was trending on YouTube.

    These strangers walking down the street and shopping decide to step in comment because obviously they know exactly what's going on right? How in the world could they possibly expect to know what the people in the video have been through to get involved like that? Do people really believe everything they see and hear when there's something going on in public?

    Oh and the guy recording the video makes excuses like "she's a girl, she's weak" which is just ridiculous. The girl in the video was willing to get violent, from what I saw in the YouTube comments. If you hear the cops in the video talking, they state that people get the same treatment regardless of gender, so why would anyone expect one gender to get better treatment over the other? Does gender discrimination not work both ways?

    Sorry the video is so loud. You might have to turn down the volume.
    You start to learn after awhile that people are idiots. The girl was resisting arrest, if she didn't do anything wrong, she wouldn't have been fighting back. She wanted to create a scene so idiots like the cameraman would jump in.

    Obviously through his ignorant statements, the cameraman isn't to bright. He also has an accent, so I feel like maybe it's something in his background, culture or something that makes him believe that she's weak...

    And because one person see's a guy going against the cops, everyone decides to jump the band wagon and also give the cops a hard time...

    You just have to remember, people are idiots...

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