Well, I've left my home. I have been abused for far too long and have finally escaped my abuser. I wish it was not on Christmas, not on my special day, and not the way it happened. I wonder now why I stayed so long. They've always made a point of treating me like I'm nothing. A wet paper towel gets more respect and kindness than I do.
I hurt so badly. This day that is meant to be enjoyed by everyone has been tarnished. I know I will have to move on. This will be one of the hardest things I'll ever have to do. I'll never let anyone get as close as they did, because now I can't trust anyone with my emotions and my psychological well being.
Merry fucking Christmas,
May you never feel the way I do. My advice for anyone reading: if you're being abused, no matter in what way, get the [BEEP] out of there before it's too late.