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  1. #1
    Keddy's Avatar The Awkward Conversationalist
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    Finally grew a pair and quit my job!

    Well, I finally did it.
    I was feeling like super crap today (more than usual), and I did an admittedly irresponsible thing and called in "sick" to work. Not to mention that there's a heck of a snowstorm going on here in Boston and I'm NOT driving in that.
    My boss called me later and asked what was the matter with me. She had the nerve to say that I've been really "off" for the past couple of months and that it's noticeable and I've gotten to be "less productive."
    So I finally gave in and said, as politely as I could, something along the lines of "You know what? I'll admit that I did a stupid thing and everyone here is upset with me, but frankly I don't think it was fair for me to lose my promotion AND have my position given away to someone else." I had been the manager in my department since March but after a certain fiasco I was moved to Assistant Manager and some adolescent jerk got my job. Not that I'm a heck of a lot older than he is but still.
    My boss asked what I wanted to do and I said I was going to leave for "personal reasons." And I did.
    Quitting work definitely has made me feel better as far as that specific issue was concerned, but I'm still depressed and extremely pissed off and angry but I'm not entirely sure why. I've been drinking too which isn't like me. I've gone into extra therapy sessions lately but it's costing me and I don't know how much longer I'm going to be able to afford it if I'm unemployed. Looks like I'm going to have to rely on my parents :/
    Sorry if I went off on a bit of an angry rant there, I'm just not sure how to deal with myself right now, since I'm happy I finally grew a pair and quit that @#$% job, but on the flip side, there's a ton of crap on my mind that is driving me insane. Not to mention that I need to start job hunting again. Should I just be happy I got that out of the way and stop bitching or should I try to solve all my other issues as well? I honestly feel like I'll never be happy again
    "It is never too late to be what you might have been." - George Eliot

  2. #2
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    Hi Keddy,
    Sometimes it's better to make a stand and quitting may have been the best decision. However, i would try to calm down a bit. Try to concentrate on the positive things that you did. They didn't outright fire you and in today's corporation job market that indicates that you had some qualities that they actually like needed etc.

    Try to grow and learn from what you did wrong. Everyone of us has had some major missteps along the way. I was a reporter for three years. I wasn't bad at it. The stress and lack of confidence in myself along with anxiety and being very shy was difficult for me to deal with. I had two miss-carriagges so when I became pregnant a third time I quit. In hind site maybe not a good decision. I miss this job from time to time. I miss the respect the job had. I did write some decent articles that I'm proud of and took some excellent photos.

    Yet, I'm afraid to go back to the never ending stress of that job. All the older reporters when I was a young reporter tended to be overweight and heavy smokers. It's a low pay high stress job in which you have to know enough to ask the right questions. I like my part-time dead end job that pays way too little for the amount the people at the top earn. Go Go Go Corporations!!!! If this trend continues maybe in a hundred years or so there will be a revolution.

    Count your blessings, that you have a supportive family. I have a very young immature friend who turned 18 and his family essentially booted him out.
    His family seems especially good at punishing the bad, but terrible at rewarding the good behavior with this kid. He is by no means an angel, but he is by no means the worst kid. He's stayed out of trouble for two years now. He joined a church's youth group. It breaks my heart to see how hard he is trying to win his Mom's approval and respect. I don't understand why.

    Looking back when he was 15, he came bye selling stuff for school and I talked to him about his bmx bike and skateboarding. He was fairly decent on the skateboard. I complimented him on his skill and talked about my cousin who back in the day, we're in our 40's was good on a skateboard and loved bmx. The bmx bike was a very smooth and cool ride. The very next day when I'm cooking dinner, my husband informs me that my boyfriend wants to see me outside and there he was showing off something he'd done to the bike. I was a bit weirded out, but I now realize that maybe I was the only person who ever gave him a compliment. That thought really distresses me.

    Work on your issues but Rome wasn't built in a day. It will take effort and time and there will be setbacks. As for myself I'm doing better than when I first joined this group. I'm not so distressed over some of the decisions I've made. I'm sorry for the way I digress into things I'm thinking about one of my sitters swears up and down that I have undiagnosed ADD. Donna

  3. #3
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    I recently stood up for myself against a bully supervisor after 5 years of abuse. And you know what? Even though I'm between homes and jobs, my blood pressure is normal and I haven't suffered from acid reflux since I left. I hadn't realized how stressed out I was working under this woman. Hang in there. A good job will come your way. I've got job interviews for jobs that are way better coming up within the next coupe of weeks.
    The Hokey Pokey IS what it's all about

  4. #4
    Trendsetter's Avatar
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    Glad I found this thread, I can relate. I feel like finding a new job too, I get tired of being treated like crap at this one. Though I'm still employed and haven't left yet, I'm about to get back in the saddle and and start job hunting again
    “When you stop blaming others for where you are in life, that is when you can start to manifest your dream life!”
    ― Stephen Richards

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