Hi, I haven't been here for a while but I already had PTSD from past sexual traumas but recently this month I expeirenced a house fire, we got it out in time, but we almost didn't Now I am terrified of this house catching on fire again, we also had an oven explode in the plug in and almost had another fire, that just added onto my fear, anytime I hear a popping sound I jump and I can't breathe, we use a fireplace and as soon as it is lit my legs are shaking and I can't see straight from the fear, every little sound scares me and makes me jump. some nights I can't sleep thinking about a fire and trying to imagine what I would do if it happens. I am driving myself crazy and I am sure my boyfriend too as when we are in another room I am either jumping up to check the fireplace or I have him do it.
I am just so scared and nervous and it's messing up my mind worse than it already was.
I just wanted to share and vent a little, my boyfriend doesn't understand and he is so calm in the face of danger, good for me him being that way he tries to keep me calm, I don't understand how he handled that fire so well and it messed me all up.