Might sound silly but i'm scared/anxious when my fiance is on night shift!!
Before we had our baby I stayed at my mums when he was on night shift but now we have a 2month old I don't want to have to take all his things there for a few nights!! We have a dog but he makes the situation 100x worse by barking at nothing!! My fiance has to do night shift as he agreed to it when he stared the job and the money is just too good 2 give it up!!
I end up staying awake the full night till my fiance gets back as i just can't sleep! I just want to get over it as i don't want to be like this around my son as i know there is nothing to be scared of!! Is anyone else like this? How can i get over it?
Anyone that feels like this or has felt it please answer or anyone with any advice!! Thanks x