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Let's share our pet peeves!![]()
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Let's share our pet peeves!![]()
people that use double negatives drive me nuts
People with poor manners (eg burping which doesn't go well with me and the rest of my group) people constantly interrupting/disrupting lessons, that alway point out that I can't spell etc etc (it's not hard to annoy me)
I hate when people laugh at my spelling![]()
It's annoying !!!
ok I swear I'm not a grammar Nazi (my english isn't even perfect, so...) but I find it a little annoying when native english speakers don't know the proper usage of your and you're / they're, their and there .. or when they write 'masterbate' instead of 'masturbate'.. I mean, that's such a beginner's mistake![]()
I'm sure some here will hate me for this but it really bugs me when I see people walking around with huge headphones makes them look unapproachable and stuck up... one time a guy sitting next to me on the metro accidentally left his mobile and his packet of cigarettes on his seat and I had to run after him and tap him on the shoulder because he couldn't hear me calling him since he had his stupid headphones on. He didn't even say thanks![]()
Poor customer service. It really bugs me when people don't even acknowledge that you're standing there.
The Hokey Pokey IS what it's all about
Omg that pisses me off too! Sometimes I feel tempted to report them to their managers, but I hate conflicts...
And as a shop assistant, from time to time I have customers who treat me like [BEEP] or completely ignore me when I greet them. Why can't people just be nice (or at least polite!) to one another??
When people sneeze/cough into their hands. >.<
Do that into your elbow please, I don't want your germs.
i hate that when people ignore me as well. i work at a car and bike shop (halfords for those of you UK people) now as soon as i started i've been trained in car bulbs and how to fit as well as child seats. i've got the computer system at my disposal which means that i can find exactly what a person needs for their car. i'm not unable to help people however because i'm a girl in a shop of guys i will be blanked, walked past or pushed away if i offer help for them to go and ask a male worker who's at the other end of the shop or right next to me. annoys me so much especially when i'm better prepared for answering those questions or offering help. drives me mad how sexist it all is as well as ignorant and rude. i've even had some of them say when the customer left that they're sorry and that was out of order.
1) Noisy eaters
2) Able bodied people who drag their feet.
"Hey sexy mama, wanna kill all humans?"
i honestly don't really have any. yes, there's some like when my brother ruffles through the bags of pistachios he eats and the shells clack together (he can't just take the ones out he wants to eat, he has to reach into the bag with his hand and then rummage through them for a small handful, only to go back and repeat the process five minutes later) or when my mom chews loudly on pizza and rummages through her bags of snacks, but these are just irritations, not really pet peeves (im the only one in my family that isn't attached to bags of snacks btw).
i think im too much in my own head most of the time to take issue with what's going on around me. and when i feel irritated i try not to let it grow into anything worse where then it comes out in some utterance or facial expression, i just repress that it inwards. when i was younger i didn't get what that meant. did people really repress their feelings? i was a child who expressed all his thoughts, every hunger, discomfort, or question. but now, now i see what is meant by that, because i got pretty stellar at repressing feelings on will (not great at it, but good enough to avoid arguments with family or petulance) so im pretty stoic now, and no, there's no inner disturbance concealed behind my stoicism, i repressed the disturbance.
Encountering someone either in-person or online through voice chat who has a smoke detector giving off a low battery chirp and has been doing so long before you encountered them. How can people not go insane listening to that [BEEP]? I've encountered people who have let the chirp continue for weeks and it always leaves me feeling completely baffled. Maybe you can somehow zone out and not hear it, but for the love of got change the battery so you don't drive other people crazy.
“Scratch any cynic and you will find a disappointed idealist.” — George Carlin
"If it's true that our species is alone in the universe, then I'd have to say the universe aimed rather low and settled for very little." — George Carlin