This makes me angry. I've grown up in South Boston, was raised Irish Catholic, and now I'm finally coming to terms with my own sexuality and realizing how much people around here dislike LGBT people such as myself. This explains why I cannot come out to my parents.
And yes, I'm gay.
"Boston Mayor Martin J. Walsh maintained an optimistic tone today about whether gay rights activists and organizers of the city’s traditional St. Patrick’s Day parade could reach an agreement providing for an “inclusive” parade, ending years of exclusion of gay people from the event.
But one of the groups participating in the parade, a Catholic school in the town of Harvard known for its band and float featuring a waving St. Patrick, vowed today to pull out of the celebration because school officials felt parade organizers had already conceded too much.
Organizers this year have said that lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender groups are welcome to march as long as they do not wear T-shirts or hold signs that refer to sexual orientation. One group has already said that its members will march and abide by those rules."
You can read the article I'm quoting on here: