are you worried that if you drank it might not turn out to be a dissappointment?
wait i mean that it *would* turn out to be a disappointment. first i had it saying not as good as you hoped, but then i realized that what i was thinking of was worse than that, it wouldn't just be not as good as i hoped, it would be a downright disappointment.
i think if i did i would just fall asleep really fast and squander the opportunity. and not actually enjoy myself which is the whole point of drinking for recreation. im already falling asleep at all the wrong times and im not really doing anything.
i get mentally exhausted really easily. if i start to do my hw or read a book there's a good chance i'll be asleep in twenty minutes, even if im well rested beforehand. and drinking would just make me even more sensitive to mental exhaustion i think. so i could have one conversation with someone and then be exhausted from that (conversations will eventually exhaust me not matter what but it takes closer to hours for that to happen than more directed mental effort such as that required for homework) so i would just lay down and then bam, be asleep.
maybe you can mix stimulants with alcohol? like caffeine? but then you have to drink coffee on top of diluted alcohol. OR YOU COULD DILUTE THE ALCOHOL WITH THE COFFEE?