Yet again these old nightmares are returning to plague me. Thankfully my last one had been before Christmas but they've become a recurring problem since my anxiety has made itself known. So yet again in my dreams I'm being mistreated, beaten up, cut and raped making me Feel like absolute crap like I could panic any minute but not at the same time. I hate feeling like this. This is why I think I may have anxiety I'm really edgy, I'm on full alert, my head is killing, my limbs feel all weird. But then again that could just be because I've woken up this time. Not really a frustration or a set exactly just something that doesn't help my anxiety out a lot with it exposing my biggest fears and making me live them almost, thankfully I never remember what they did to me in the dream I just see it when I'm dreaming.
Do these nightmares surface after certain anxiety-provoking events happen in your life, or when they're in the process of happening etc? Have you seen a therapist of any kind concerning your nightmares?
They've happened a couple of times after I've panicked but they happen roughly once a week if I'm bad so there's no way to be 100% sure if it's an anxiety thing or just the odd nightmare. I've not noticed them happening during times of anxiety or upheaval. I've got a lot going on at the moment like so it could be that. I've not talked to the counsellor about it i mentioned I get nightmares but I only saw her for 6 sessions and they didn't crop up during that time so no
Sounds like they're happening because you're overwhelmed, at least this time anyway. Are you able to find another therapist/counsellor of any kind? They might be able to help you get to the root of the problem. Sorry I can't be of more help than that.
I'm being referred somewhere else after originally being referred to my gp already, I always just thought it would have been a reflection of my fears hence why I'm so confidant saying what my triggers for me panicking are. And why I think I panic in my sleep (not full blown just mini hyperventilating shaking and making noises) because these are what terrify me the most.
Doesn't matter not expecting a cure from here just seeing if anyone has had the same problem, thank you for taking the time to reply though
Well, I hope you're able to find some answers/solutions soon. If it helps at all, I find I dream less when I don't sleep on my back. Don't usually intend to sleep like that but sometimes it just happens.
I toss and turn to much in my sleep anyway more so when I have a dream/nightmare so I don't think I could try that. I'm too much of a difficult sleeper anyway. If something's comfortable enough for me to fall asleep I need to stay there. I had a nightmare last night as well I don't remember it but I've got knots in my back and neck, pillow on the floor and didn't feel like I had any sleep despite having a lot. Since I was dreaming last night I think I'm just going through a stage of dreaming/nightmares