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    toaster little's Avatar
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    Leaving a place because of painful memories

    Do you guys ever do this? If you find that a certain place reminds you of things that you'd rather forget and people you'd prefer not to remember, don't you always want to get away and never look back?

    I've had this issue for a while now, and it's part of the reason I kind of stopped keeping in touch with certain people because they will serve as a constant reminder of everything I've been through. But of course, the only thing that other people will ever remember is the fact that I stopped talking to them and I didn't keep in touch. The same people never ask if I'm ok or what is going on. The only thing they do is assume that I must not like them.

    Sometimes I wish I could explain this to the same people so that they would understand, but I'm always worried that they will never look at me the same way and they won't talk to me like we used to. I just feel like they'll constantly ask if I'm feeling ok or if I'm doing better, and that's not what I want to hear from them whenever we talk.

    So what can I do in these cases?

  2. #2
    SmileyFace's Avatar
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    There are a few places I do not go to because it brings back memories (and flashbacks) of my abusive relationship from a few yrs ago.

    I live right by a park we used to hang out all the time, and there, he used to hurt me (won't go into detail as to how) in areas of the park where nobody could see. After I left him, I didn't go out to that park ever again until last year. I feel ok out there now... still weird, but I don't exactly feel much fear. I don't go out there often though; I've probably been out there just 3 times since last summer. I just don't have a reason to be out there. And the times I was out there, it was on days where it was super crowded (i.e. weekends). It feels uncomfortable being out there when there's hardly anyone.

    There's a shopping area I do not go to anymore because he lives literally down the street from it. And the last time I was in the area (2-3 yrs ago), I saw him. His car was right next to mine at the red light. Although he didn't see me (or he did, but didn't know it was me), I had a major panic attack all the way until I got home.

  3. #3
    Kirsebaer's Avatar
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    Quote toaster little View Post

    I've had this issue for a while now, and it's part of the reason I kind of stopped keeping in touch with certain people because they will serve as a constant reminder of everything I've been through. But of course, the only thing that other people will ever remember is the fact that I stopped talking to them and I didn't keep in touch. The same people never ask if I'm ok or what is going on. The only thing they do is assume that I must not like them.

    ^ story of my life. I'm really ashamed of not keeping in touch with old friends and now it'd be way too awkward to try to contact them.

    I've left my hometown and it was one of the best things I've done in my life. That place brings back so many bad memories and there's always the risk of running into people I don't feel like seeing again. I don't miss that city at all and I don't wish to ever go back there, even for vacation.

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