[BEEP] I don't know what to do. I just logged into Facebook and I'm the only one online. All the time, more than anyone else.
It's getting dark, and only one light bulb works inside the caravan. Took some pictures of myself and was regretful of how much I shaved my eyebrows
away out of desperation and torment.. Just a couple of days before my facial hair removal appointment, which went
magnificently well. Luckily I just shaved it so it'll grow back faster. Fuck, I think I'd rather look like Frida Kahlo, to be honest. I should find some time to brew myself
a bottle of pepper spray and poison the [BEEP] out of anyone who dares to assault me because of my looks.
I don't appreciate anything and have no patience for anything anymore. I seem to have this one, magical day planned in which I actually get up and invite some friends over to a bar.
But it never comes. It seems as if it's not supposed to. The disconnection from the outside world I'm experiencing is FRIGHTENING. Don't even feel like eating anything and I seem to be losing weight too.