I don't know why . . but watching this gives me an atypical sort of Nostalgia -- a sadness which arises from looking back at past events in which I hadn't even been BORN !
They'll never make music like this again . 95% of today's music is lollipop garbage .. .. and I'm sure as Hell not getting old .
I saw Led Zeppelin in concert back in the 1990's ..... was bad... but I like their recorded music. Really enjoying the interview youtube vid though. Thanks for posting.
I just looked up Savage Garden today , and read about them in wikipedia . I really like Savage Garden songs .. .. but just as I was getting excited about Finally finding a contemporary pop song that I liked .. .. It turns out that they're from the 90s
I think that the only good artists nowadays are Adele (who stopped makin music) and PSY (who stopped makin music)
Today's mainstream pop has its place I guess. Personally I don't like much of it but obviously many do. To me it's been so commoditized it's hard to call it music. Shows like American Idol and the Voice can be entertaining but they're ultimately self serving. I think the soul has been sucked out of mainstream music. but people listen to music for different reasons so to each his/her own. I feel really fortunate to have grown up in an era when radio was diverse and alive. No end to what you could hear. Now you have to seek out Campus radio stations or small independent community based radio to get that.
But as far as music in general today, there is soooo much good music out there now it's mind boggling. In a way it's overwhelming. With the advent of the digital age almost any musician can set up their own little independent recording operation/sales. distributorship. It's crazy. So much talent out there. I do see what you're saying about classic rock though. That was a magical age. Artists such as Janis Joplin and Jimi may never be touched....ever.