Giving us a 14 day wait before we can delete our accounts .
Lonely people turn to Facebook like moths to a flame . They don't understand this .. .. they're not helping us kick this noxious habit . They're not helping us get better .
Giving us a 14 day wait before we can delete our accounts .
Lonely people turn to Facebook like moths to a flame . They don't understand this .. .. they're not helping us kick this noxious habit . They're not helping us get better .
Not good for people like us, but good for everyone else. I'm sure it saves them a lot of customer support requests as well.
“Scratch any cynic and you will find a disappointed idealist.” — George Carlin
"If it's true that our species is alone in the universe, then I'd have to say the universe aimed rather low and settled for very little." — George Carlin
Facebook was designed to datamine and to make you feel horrible about yourself.
I didn't realize FB had a delete options.. I knew about the disable.
I tried to delete. Day four and I reactivated. Ufgh.
I'm so lonely man . 4 hours ago I was seriously fantasizing about violently terminating consciousness . 4 hours later .. .. I'm drinking a beer and feeling the strongest , most powerful Love Buzz I've ever had in yeeears ...
I'm crying , but what's the point ??? no one cans seeee my tears ...
Kinda freaky, I was listening to this a short while ago:
oh man .. .. this thread is gold .
Forgot the whole 2 wks thing. That was a bit irritating back when I was trying to delete permanently. I was like um no, I am absolutely sure I want to get rid of my Facebook - for good. Facebook did make me feel shitty about myself a bit before, but for a while no longer did. I felt so much better about myself after ridding it. I saw how much better it is to talk to people in real life than via fb, especially people you already know in person.
I've had urges to get a fb again. I sometimes feel like i am out of the loop for not having fb. But it's been a while since I last felt that way. I am much better off without it. Not having fb has especially helped me communicate w people in real life better.