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  1. #1
    Denise's Avatar
    Forum Addiction:

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    I don't need no therapy .

    Just someone to txt me and ask me how im doing .. at least once a month . At least once a f*in month .. .. but even that is not negotiable .

  2. #2
    QuietCalamity's Avatar
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    What about group therapy? Even if you don't feel like the therapy would help, you might connect people you can relate to and who know what you're going through.

    I've learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel. -- Maya Angelou

  3. #3
    Forum Addiction:

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    preach it!

    i don't need no therapy either, not personal therapy, not group therapy, not that new kind of tele-therapy where you do it remotely, and if you call it counseling or assessment or anything else im not falling for it. i don't need therapy but the people i like and respect the most told me to get it. and they won't like or respect me until i do. until i do im nothing to them. but therapy won't really help, its just putting a carrot in front oh me which, yeah, i could reach, but if i reached it i would see it wasn't a carrot but a stick, they were actually using the carrots as a stick and put the stick at the end instead of the carrot, so i was tricked, and i wouldn't really get what was promised. that's why im not even biting, fools! there's no hope for me. im nothing to them and i will never be anything to them and it makes me miserable. but chasing false solutions isn't the answer. whining and complaining about it might not be either, but it helps.

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