All right I am not liking this post thingy here any longer. So I scheduled a few days off of work. And now I must force myself to make plans. Today was one of those scheduled days off and so far I am wasting it away. I just don't feel like doing anything is the truth of the matter
I hate to call this "depression" but I just am not motivated.
Wish I had planned this earlier
I might catch a train tonight
It seems pointless and I feel like I can't think like I am a brain dead zombie...
eh cleaning. I have to throw away some old clothes getting a bag to put them into.... I have too much clothes. mismatched pieces that I got on sale. none of it looks that great.
well piece by piece I will do what I can I suppose.
I just have to tell myself that it isn't that bad.
I think I have turned into a little bit of a hoarder always wanting to make sure I have what I need.