Why on a nursing job application would I have to let my sexual orientation be know. Even though I am straight I am angered by this question. I am hoping someone here has an acceptable explanation for this??
Why on a nursing job application would I have to let my sexual orientation be know. Even though I am straight I am angered by this question. I am hoping someone here has an acceptable explanation for this??
I'm going to give them the benefit of the doubt, and believe that this is so they can hire more minority groups to balance their employee base.
Some employers in my country do that kind of "reverse discrimination", I believe, for ethnic groups and women (Canadians correct me if I'm wrong). In the interests of equal opportunity or something. Sometimes oppression happens in a very subtle covert way, but is just as damaging, so this could be lending visibility to it. I know some work favours Aboriginal applicants in Canada, for example, and for good reason.
Oh, I just remembered! I company I applied to last month did this on their application I believe, asking if you would consider yourself an individual of Aboriginal background. They had the foresight to precede the question with their reasoning though, and the company itself is a class act in the way it treats its applicants/employees (as far as I know), so I don't think it's for malicious reason. They do a lot of community stuff, make sure suppliers are ethical, etc.
For healthcare, I would think the employers would be all the more aware of how subtle and damaging racism and discrimination can be (determinants of health and all that). I don't know, it could be some unconventional and not-very-well-executed way of something similar to what the company I applied to is doing. I hear LGBT rights aren't very good in Ireland.
Okay I can kind of see the point you are making, I don't know if I agree with it or at least it should be optional.
Also it was for Scotland not Ireland
Ah sorry Lasair, I didn't mean anything by it. Every country has its warts.
You could contact their HR department to talk about your thoughts on it. At least, adding an "other" option might be helpful on future applications if they find it absolutely necessary to include.
They absolutely should not be asking that. If I had put my sexual orientation on my job application, my current employer would not have taken me. I'm sure of that. It pisses me off that they would ask such a thing. If they're doing it to prove that they hire minorities, especially. Why should I be looked at as a "minority" because I have a same-sex partner?
Sexual orientation is one's personal business. Putting that on a job application would be like asking "What's your favorite sex position?" or "Do you sleep clothed or in your underwear?" or "How much do you weigh?" It simply doesn't belong on a piece of paper for your employer to look at.
Sorry I got so fired up about this topic, I just have a lot of strong feelings about it. I wish the world was at a point where it would be socially normal and acceptable for my boyfriend and I to hold hands and kiss in public without someone feeling personally offended. In my boyfriend's family's home country (Poland), it's still illegal for us to get married. DISGUSTING.
End of rant. Sorry if I offended anyone.
"It is never too late to be what you might have been." - George Eliot
One reason for it could be so that if you were a lesbian in a care role you didn't work with women and get the 'gratification' from it and visa versa if you were a man and gay. It could mean you'd have to double up maybe like male career have to work with a female career when working with a female client or at least have them in the room for intimate/personal (what ever the name is) care. Hope that's a reasonable answer ??
Just to clarify I'm not implying people of a specific orientation are more likely to assault/abuse a client or individual btw (incase that's the impression I accidentally gave)