I'm not completely sure if this is entirely to do with anxiety or if it is something more? But I find I tend to feel so angry for no good reason most of the time, and I'm always tense and on edge, almost in a fight or flight kinda mode I guess you could say....it doesn't take much for me to become extremely angry and I tend to lock myself away so I don't take it out on anyone I care about....I've been going through a hell of allot of paranoia too, and my mind is just constantly racing, I know I don't hear voices, but my thought process is so messed up and I am so lost lately, I don't know what to believe....it's like my brain is creating thoughts for me and taking over what would be my own thoughts...hard to explain but I just feel like I'm going downhill...and experiencing things I've never experienced before. Does anyone else go through anything like this, I'm sorry it's not extremely informative....I can't think clearly enough to keep typing right now....any suggestions on what I could do to improve this and get some control of my on mind?