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  1. #1
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    Help protect Anxiety Space and other sites like it

    I know it's a bit long, but this is very important.

    Head to, find "Protecting and Promoting the Open Internet" and let them know how you feel about it. If net neutrality is not kept, Anxiety Space and sites like it can be harmed if not blocked completely.

  2. #2
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    Quote Jerry View Post
    I know it's a bit long, but this is very important.

    Head to, find "Protecting and Promoting the Open Internet" and let them know how you feel about it. If net neutrality is not kept, Anxiety Space and sites like it can be harmed if not blocked completely.
    First of all, that was the best video I've seen in forever. He's hilarious. He was great describing what's out there.

    And yes, we need to protect ourselves from the big monopolies. People don't understand what a monopoly can do. I've lived in areas where I've been told by AT&T, "That's Verizon's area and so we can't come into the territory unless we put in a land line." So I asked them, "So you're saying I'm stuck with really crappy Internet Speed and really crappy service?" They said, "Yeah, pretty much." When I got here I was told there's only one Internet provider so suck it up.

    Monopolies can damage customer service, can sway government policies and can change things that aren't even in their field. Look at the post office. It's a private company that was given rights to be the "only" post office, thereby assuming the umbrella of the federal government. Until UPS, FedEX and other companies came in to deliver mail, the post office could do whatever it wanted like raise prices continuously.

    There's a book series called Insignia by S.J. Kincaid. It's about a future world where monopolies have gotten so involved in politics that one company owns air, one water, one electric power and the CEO's run the world's politics. It's a pretty scary concept, but I can see that happening down the road. Look how many private sector companies are vying for space travel.

    People in general tend to just check the "I accept" box when faced with a bunch of jargon they can't understand. That's exactly how we are allowing big corporations to eventually run our future.

    So yep, Jerry, I agree. We need to keep the internet out of the big cable company's hands.

    I know the video seems long guys, but the speak is very funny and he explains in a humorous way what's going on. It's worth the watch.
    The Hokey Pokey IS what it's all about

  3. #3
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    I currently live in an area that if you need a cell phone you have verizon or you have a phone that doesn't work. I've never liked the attitude of the cable companies. I was a reporter and they would sign these deals with small municipalities to provide cable tv to an area and seldom met all the promises made about upgrading lines etc. This was in western Pa and the particular company was run by a family that wound up being convicted of using the companies' profits for their own benefit. It was one of the reasons I allowed my husband to get satellite tv. I personally still think you shouldn't have to pay for tv. I would probably only have broadcast tv, but my kids and husband would make my life miserable.

    This is one of those things that seems inevitable. I've had one or two computer sites I've visited start a membership fee. One or two sites have also shut down.

    I would hate to see the internet run by corporations.

  4. #4
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    Bump, this is very important, so please take action.

    Head to, find "Protecting and Promoting the Open Internet" and let them know how you feel about it.

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