The meeting with my Pastor did not go well today. . .so bad in fact that I had to schedule an emergency meeting with my Therapist. . .my emotions are a mess. . .
Let me explain:
A year ago at the Church Rummage Sale I purchased a Cassette Player that I could use to put my songs on Cassette to my MP3 Player. The Cassette Player was missing some much needed parts to make it work correctly. The lady who sold me the Cassette Player guaranteed me that she had the missing parts and would bring them to the Church office.
That didn't happen. The Pastor got involved. Or let's say I got the Pastor involved.
The Pastor told me he would buy the parts needed. I told him that I didn't think he should bear the burden of doing so as the lady guaranteed me that she had the parts and would bring them to the Church office.
That didn't happen either.
OK so now it is all my fault. I am to blame.
What happened is that I saw the lady again at the Rummage Sale this year, this past Sunday in fact.
And things changed. A lot. It got. . .well. . .weird. Very weird. And uncomfortable. And emotional.
This lady gave me not one, not two, not three, not four, not five, but six full-bodied arms-wrapped-around-tight rubbing-the-back full-on hugs, her body pressed really tight against mine. And I was not the agressor. All advances were made by her. All of them. Whispering in my ear how sorry she was. Over and over.
She is married with three kids. I am beginning to wonder. Even gave me her phone number. Told me to call her. Told me she would be waiting for my call and she would answer. She once again promised me the Parts. And this time really promised them.
I just went to see her at the Sale to get the "damn parts" so I can get the Cassette Player to work.
Now I am confused. Still no parts. She doesn't answer her phone. What was up with those intimate hugs?
So I went back to the Pastor today. Well. . .he lit into me saying I should have let him buy the "damn parts" last year.
So I do something I feel was right in terms of not letting the Pastor bear the burden of the lady not following through on her committment. But I obviously made the wrong decision by not letting the Pastor purchase the "damn parts". I cannot win. Now I am a mess emotionally because I don't know what those hugs meant and now, according to the Pastor, I am all to blame for everything. . .I cannot win. . .