I have asked my profile be removed. I just don't feel comfortable. My goals are different. Yes I do need to improve on my social awkwardness. I do need to build up my confidence and esteem. I do need to work on managing my emotions more effectively.
However I am feeling uncomfortable posting on AS and responding to posts. I try and be very supportive and I truly support all of you in your efforts to be very successful. I would highly recommend AS to anyone who suffers from extreme anxiety. The Moderators and Administrators do an outstanding job. They really do. All of you are in good hands. Very good hands. All of you keep posting and getting to know each other. It is healthy. And very beneficial to your successful recovery.
I just, for some reason, don't feel comfortable. Maybe it has something to do with hiding behind an anonymous screen name. It's just not for me nor is it me. Maybe it is because I really want to meet in-person an individual who has the same and/or similiar symptoms, and intimate interests, that I do. Not necessarily to start a relationship, although I am not against it. Yes I have had really bad experiences. However I feel the only way to improve my social awkwardness in-person is to meet an individual in-person who shares the same symptoms and interests that I do. I just can't slip into a feeling that all experiences will go horribly wrong. Yes I have to be more cautious, more realistic, keep my emotions in check, ask the right questions, etc. Yet how am I ever going to know unless I forge ahead and take another risk? It will certainly improve my confidence and esteem if I have a very positive in-person experience. Greatly. Right now I am so immensely frustrated.
You aren't going to find a better site than AS. I have been on many sites, this is the best one. Bar None. It just means it isn't for me. Maybe after I have a positive in-person experience, I can re-join and post about it. My confidence and esteem will be way up. And I will feel better being that I know I can have a positive experience. And then more positive experiences will happen. Sure, there will be more rejection. However I can always look at the positive experience as an incentive to keep on keepin' on. Because I know I will have another positive experience somewhere along the line. For me it will take one positive experience. One brings more.
So in closing, I wish for everyone all the best! Keep posting on AS and keep on getting to know others here, even if you don't want to meet anyone in-person. Feel blessed you have such a supportive group. You aren't going to find that anywhere else on-line. . .
aww, you only posted a little so far and i've not even read much of what you posted but i can already tell i really like your writing, its relaxing and calming to read and very sensible. but if you don't think anonymous internet posting really suits you than i guess you can move on. you shouldn't stop writing though and sharing your thoughts. you're quite good at it. or if you don't write then i hope you can find people you to meet and talk to like you want to. you seem like someone people would be counting as a valuable friend pretty easily.
Well thank you! That is very kind of you to say! I also appreciate your kind comments on my other post(s).
It's not the anonymous internet posting. It is the fact that I am presenting myself as anonymous. That is not me. Plus I am interested in an in-person association. I guess I feel if I continue to hide behind a screen name I will never take the risk to meet an individual in-person that I have communicated with on-line who shares the same interests and has the same symptoms (or close enough) and gain a very positive experience out of the association. And being that a lot of members share similiar symptoms, that makes me more hopeful. However that may be unrealistic as well as many females may not want to face the anxiety of meeting in-person, much less doing anything else in-person. The only way I feel I can conquer my anxiety and panic, and bad experiences, is to take the chance once again. Only this time with a more positive and/or realistic approach.
Best wishes to you and thank you again for your kind words!
You make a lot of good points here, if all you do is anonymously post on this site, yeah, you'll never make improvements. That being said you could post here and also work on meeting people in real life (that's what I'm trying to do). Of course, you need to do whatever feels right to you, so if you feel posting here is a hindrance, leaving is probably your best bet.
Best of luck to you, you seem dedicated to getting out there in life and you've learned from your bad experiences, so you should do well. We'll always be here for you if you want to come back.
You make a good point. It is up to Management. Obviously I will not be meeting anyone from AS so probably to continue to post here is not the best solution, although I was hoping that is where I would meet a female in-person being that there is already something in common given the symptoms.
"if all you do is anonymously post on this site, yeah, you'll never make improvements"