I came to this site via a link on the PTSD Hope site. PTSD Hope as stated is “dedicated to sharing newest and best treatment options for all struggling with PTSD.”
When I was four I was injured, falling on a garden hole ripping a tear in my jaw. I received a number of stitches while being strapped down on an operating table fully conscious without anything to deaden the pain. In addition, when I was ten I was sexually molested multiple time by an older neighbor boy. These experiences as a young child left me with significant PTSD, but I didn't realize it until I was an adult.
If you have experience or read stories or posting of people who were physically tortured as a small child or sexually molested as a child, then you will have an idea of what I endured mentally and emotionally trying to grow into adulthood. In 1966 I was drafted and joined the Air Force. Four years later I went to college and graduated in 1974.
After much struggle, in 1976 I discovered a technique that addressed the emotional problems associated with the PTSD and other disruptive emotional behavior problems. It was thorough and did not require me to relive the painful experience. I couldn't believe how effective it was, nor how fast it worked. After using it on myself I worked with other people helping them eliminate disruptive emotional responses and essentially bring their emotional system back to a balanced state.
The technique I use does not require the person to relive their trauma, and it gets to the heart of their problem. It is a relatively gentle process. It seems counter intuitive that a gentle process can have such a powerful effect on what is strong emotional struggles. Our tendency is to believe strong measures need to be used to counter the strong emotional wounds. But as Einstein said, " No problem can be solved by the same consciousness that caused it in the first place." That's include emotional wounds.
I have written a book called It's Not What You Think. At some point I will self publishing it. It goes into great detail of what the process does, the science behind it, and includes a number of real life examples of how I have help other people address their disruptive emotional problems. This book is not for sale nor am I trying to sell it here.
I’m looking for some Vets in the Indianapolis area who are struggling with PTSD and have found the therapy offer through the VA less than satisfactory. I’m not a professional therapist nor do I charge anything for my time. I have reason to believe my approach is much quicker, more thorough, and does not require having to re-live the traumatic experiences. I can be reached at rich@storedfeelings.com. If this posting is not appropriate, then let me know and delete the post.