I'm just curious as to how many of you get them, your auras etc.
I've been a migraine sufferer for over 5 years now and have had times where daily medication was necessary. My auras include nausea (sometimes actual vomiting), sleepiness, a stabbing pain behind my left eye, sensitivity to smells/sounds and sometimes dizziness.
It's usually triggered by stress, lack of sleep and dehydration and can on occasion disappear after a short nap and strong painkillers. The worst ones are when the vomiting is so bad I can't eat, drink or hold down the medication. Then I really suffer.
I've had the occasional migraine. I don't get them often, thankfully. My aura was I can smell everything. Like super ability to smell what people had for breakfast, the toothpaste they just used., the rotting food in the garbage down the hall, etc. When I would get that I would know that soon I would have a splitting headache, the kind that makes you vomit.
I get the kind that are triggered by stress, tension, etc. For a while this spring, I would have several a week. Always one, at the very least. I felt like I lived in bed. They always hit behind my left eye, any light coming into my surroundings would send me into dry heaves. Just the worst. Wasn't sensitive to smells, always nauseated, sensitive to temperature - but mostly light. Especially slivers of light between curtains that hit me on the side of my eye, away from my pupil. My poor family would see me start to gag, and scramble around to block every light source coming into the room. The pain of it would induce vomiting.
I went to the eye dr for my annual checkup, and he told me my left eye is much weaker than my right. We thought that might be part of the explanation for all my headaches. But since I've worn glasses, I still have them, though not as many. I'm down to probably 2 a month now.
I've heard Botox is a new treatment for chronic headaches. If mine come back to once a week, I'll definitely look into it. I can't live like that again.