I'm in a fairly bitter angry mood, thinking back through school memories doesn't help. I can't help but list those who made my life hell. This list of cruel bitter harsh people who were adored by everyone because they were 'perfect' and yet they were such horrid people they'd managed to trick everyone. The list goes on for me of people who have treated me badly and then I started wondering who many other people have this list of those who have wronged them, been cruel or unkind. For me this list has a lot of names about 36 names of people that I can think of off of the top of my head. They consist of teachers, people older and a few years younger than me, friends, a lot of bullies who all made me question myself, change myself, feel worthless. I worry this is too large of a list for an 18 year old to have, but I'm probably not the only one with a large list. How many do others have ??