This is my first thread, please be gentle.
I've been smoking since my 18th birthday, on and off, which has added up to almost two years. I know it isn't healthy but I'm having an extremely difficult time quitting. If I don't get that cigarette, I feel even worse than I already did. Every time I decide "Hey, you know what? This is it, I'm going to quit smoking", I realize I just purchased another pack. On other issues, my willpower is hardly ever a struggle, but this is just something I have a hard time dealing with. I find it hard to stop because of my job (technician in the Navy on a system that's worth more than my life twenty times over) which can be extremely stressful. That smoke or two or seven is probably one of the only things getting me through the day. I've had people tell me that I need to find other outlets for stress like working out, but they haven't been in my situation. I mean, I'm required to be physically in shape already so exercise isn't really going to cut it. My mind wants me to quit but my body won't let me.
I'd love to hear thoughts and ideas or whatever else from you guys, so let's hear it!
P.S. It doesn't help that most of my coworkers smoke as well, so they end up dragging me to the smoke deck.