Hey I'm usually an asshole and/or troll but w/e. I'm here trying to get along with people and be normal. Glad to join!
Hey I'm usually an asshole and/or troll but w/e. I'm here trying to get along with people and be normal. Glad to join!
Well at least you're an honest troll/asshole.
Just an fyi. We don't do trolling here. In fact, we're pretty sincere, mature and caring on this forum. High school stupidity will only get you ignored. It's a waste of time to try and trigger someone intentionally because you'll only get a backlash from almost everyone here. Then..............we'll all ignore you. We think posting meaningless stupid memes up when somebody is hurting is just plain juvenile.
Bullying and [BEEP] stirring for the sake of getting negative attention is also not accepted here. [BEEP] stirring isn't a positive way to say you're hurting, so we encourage people to actually say, "Hey, I'm hurting."
So, on that note. Welcome, to the normal side. We can help you get along with people if you really want to learn.
(I'm only speaking for myself and not as a representative of the community. I'm just telling you what I've noticed over the years.)
The Hokey Pokey IS what it's all about
Have to second this. We've got zero tolerance for trolling here. It's got no place on a mental health forum and we like our community kept nonsense-free. It's what sets this place apart from so many other toxic forums.
Anyhow. As long as you're civil you'll fit it just fine here. Welcome to AxS.
*holds bopa stick in hand*
Please be civil...many people on here (including me) are incredibly sensitive and dealing with many issues, so ANY amount of trolling/being an asshole will be reported and dealt with immediately.
Please don't be that person![]()
I used to be called the anti-troll back at another site I admined.So we have something in common.
As long as you use this community for being civil and non trolling -- your more then welcome here and to come share your problems here.
Altho I do admire your upfrontness (and maybe bluntness) as you can see this forum is a little niche' that is more of a smaller "family" base and we plan to keep it drama freeI'm sure you will see the people here will treat you like anyone else when they get to know you.
Do you care to tell us more about yourself? What are your anxiety issues...? Hobbies..? Job..? etc..
I don't think I can say any more than everyone else has other than I totally agree with 'em.
That being said, Welcome!
Yeah I second and third and fourth everything everyone else has said about how trolling isn't OK here, but yeah. I'm glad you were honest about it though.
Welcome and I hope you're able to use this community for what it's meant for![]()
"It is never too late to be what you might have been." - George Eliot