Heyy Y'all....
A fun thing is coming for me! But first I feel I need to say somethin'
I know I've been an asshole lately. I've hurt a lot of people in some rather unexplained bouts of anger that's due to not just my injuries from the
recent accident, but a bit of past.
My memory still hasn't been too great, but I saw somethin' that really caught my eye when I looked back on some stuff.
This is what my dear friend Nick wrote to me on a card:
"Despite everything you've been thru in life, somehow you have managed to be one of the friendliest, happiest
people I've even known, and I know this incident can't change that"
He knows that can't change? That really got me. I don't know why I had become so angry.
I.....I was the happy guy....right...?
So I'm sorry not just to people here, but anyone I have hurt......and I have hurt some people. I remember an offline event where I was angrily yelling at Wenda for some reason when she only asked for help and she cried....and now those words from Nick echo in my head making me feel incredibly sad.
I didn't mean to hurt anyone...I'm not a bad guy.....I'm just exhausted. It's going to still be some time until I'm back to myself.
I wanna become that guy Nick spoke of again.
As for the event I just described, I'll take her out and buy her something nice to make her happy.
I have also booked a flight to Toronto for the 23rd. I'll go to the place I grew up n' go to the CNE with people I knew from there.
It will be looooots of fun and I think I need that, rather than being stuck in a bed all day every day, cuz that sure ain't helping me heal.
I'm gonna rest in Toronto for awhile, then I'm gonna make everythin' all better.