Has anyone seen a therapist for some time and start to have feelings for he/she? Or, have you ever thought the therapist was attracted to you?
I'm curious because I rarely talk to anyone, and when I do, it's not about personal things. I dont have a support system, no one to ask for advice or tell my problems to. I was also very neglected as a child. So...my therapist laughs at my jokes, consoles me, tells me I'm attractive...things to help me, I think. But, I guess since I'm not around people much, i have this idea that he's into me. I'm sure it's because I'm so lonely , and he gives me attention. Anyway,I've felt awkward because of these intrusive thoughts that are just my imagination, I think. It's so distracting, and I can't get them out of my head. It's annoying that I would even think this. Like, who do I think I am to even think someone is attracted to me first of all.
Thoughts? Is this normal?