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  1. #16
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    I think what they did is terrible, but I don't think they got off as lightly as everyone thinks. They're going to be required to live with the stigma of being a registered sex offendar for the rest of their lives. In my state, a vigilante recently killed a sex offendar who's offence was having a mutual sexual relationship with a freshman when he was a senior.

    Anyways I wasn't going to post in these kinds of threads because I don't want this site to become like the other site where people without SA or any other mental illness to speak of are pushing their hate filled agendas that have nothing to do with SA. If this site becomes like that site I'm going to leave.
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  2. #17
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    ^ they completely deserve to live with that stigma, though. That's just baseline, it's not even really punishment. it's just taking a basic amount of responsibility for your actions.

  3. #18
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    I really hope this site doesn't become like the other site where people who don't have SA use the SA site to push their hate-filled agenda
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  4. #19
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    Quote whiteman View Post
    I really hope this site doesn't become like the other site where people who don't have SA use the SA site to push their hate-filled agenda
    I saw the other thread on a certain other forum, it was kinda different from here. Nobodies calling each other, as Goathorned said, "sociopaths". And to be honest, I think a lot of us here are here because we were getting fed up with the free-for-all attitude of a certain section of a certain forum (and just the whole whole place in general). I don't really think there's really enough of us.

    India said something at one point about planning to castrate rapists in response to the protests. It seems to much of a medical punishment really though. Looking into it, South Korea seems to have ordered the castration of a 31 year old paedophile, on he grounds that he was unable to control his sexual urges (not "cutting of his dick though). California seems to use chemical castration as a punishment for paedophile as well.

    Theres a couple of things on offenders who have willingly taken the drug and gone through therapy. I can't find anything on castration actually being used on people who rape adults or anywhere where that's legal though

  5. #20
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    Quote Otherside View Post
    I saw the other thread on a certain other forum, it was kinda different from here. Nobodies calling each other, as Goathorned said, "sociopaths".
    Those posts were deleted. There is some moderation over there contrary to popular belief.

  6. #21
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    Quote GoatHorned View Post
    Those posts were deleted. There is some moderation over there contrary to popular belief.
    I do know that.

  7. #22
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    Thankful that rape crimes are actually being taken more seriously now and being more carefully investigated. And yeah, just being on that sex offender list is like a scarlet letter you wear for as long as you're on it.

    As far as the other forum goes, they can shove it for all I care.

  8. #23
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    Rape, as a crime, is horrific.

    Defense lawyers, however, have learned to frame rapes in certain ways to encourage the thinking that someone who is raped somehow deserves it or brought it upon themselves. Was she drunk? Was she wearing skimpy clothing on the night of the assault? Was she walking home alone in a dodgy neighbourhood?

    As has been mentioned on discussions about the death penalty, it's hard to judge how to deal with these criminals in the most effective way. I'm against the death penalty but there are some truly vile people in the world. One the one hand, America has most likely executed innocent people (as have other countries with the death penalty), some of the vilest people on the planet have also been executed and I'm not shedding tears for them in a hurry.

    See how this gets complicated?

    Now, should rapists be killed? No. We need to have tougher punishments in place, rehabilitation programs of some kind where they work, we need to give more support to the victims and combat the idea that someone who is abused and or raped somehow brought it upon themselves.

  9. #24
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    Quote whiteman View Post
    I really hope this site doesn't become like the other site where people who don't have SA use the SA site to push their hate-filled agenda
    You need to stop obsessing about that other site. Every single post on here from you is about there. It really is unhealthy, and I'm tired of talking about it.

    I don't know what that has to do with the topic I started?

  10. #25
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    Quote WintersTale View Post
    You need to stop obsessing about that other site. Every single post on here from you is about there. It really is unhealthy, and I'm tired of talking about it.

    I don't know what that has to do with the topic I started?
    Not every post, but a lot of them-lol, and I agree I need to stop obsessing over that site. It's just that on that other, site and I'll try not to mention it again after this post because I agree with you, "it isn't healthy," I was blamed for every negative thing that has happened in the world because of my race and gender, and it was OK because it's politically correct, even though I've never oppressed anyone and I've never benefitted from white male priviledge or "patriarchy" I worked for two years doing hard labor to earn scholarships to pay for my first two years of school and I worked nearly every quarter there after to pay for school. I worked so hard I herniated a disk and I'm in pain everyday and I will be for the rest of my life.
    I'm not going to apologize to anyone for my race or gender. I'm not going to apologize to anyone for what someone that happens to be my race or gender has done in recent history or what someone that's my race or gender did before I was born. Just because some white males did something horrible doesn't mean I'm like them, and I'm responsible for there actions.
    I'm, "obsessed" with that other site because someone who doesn't have SA, attacked my SA and basically said none of my opinions matter because I'm mentally ill, but she was able to get away with it because I'm the "wrong" gender, but I guess that site is a reflection of society in general, so I just have to deal with it because that's the way it is even though I believe everyone should be treated as equally as possible regardless of their race or gender. That site is fucked up, and the worlds fucked up. That's just the way it is.
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  11. #26
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    Back on topic....

    I think most people would have a strong reaction to rapists. Anything that is against consent is pretty sick...and that 16 year old couldn't give consent, because she was underage.

    I don't know, I start to feel that these rapists could be rehabilitated, and then I start to watch that video. Yes, it's out there. It's a product of sick minds, and the fact that these guys walked the streets really turns my stomach.

    It's the fault of the parents here, too. Someone raised these two boys to not respect women. What makes it even worse are the number of people who took videos with their cameras and did nothing to help her.

    It's overall really sickening. If I saw someone being sexually molested, I would try to help them. I wouldn't just stand around.

  12. #27
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    Quote WintersTale View Post
    Back on topic....

    I think most people would have a strong reaction to rapists. Anything that is against consent is pretty sick...and that 16 year old couldn't give consent, because she was underage.

    I don't know, I start to feel that these rapists could be rehabilitated, and then I start to watch that video. Yes, it's out there. It's a product of sick minds, and the fact that these guys walked the streets really turns my stomach.

    It's the fault of the parents here, too. Someone raised these two boys to not respect women. What makes it even worse are the number of people who took videos with their cameras and did nothing to help her.

    It's overall really sickening. If I saw someone being sexually molested, I would try to help them. I wouldn't just stand around.
    I don't know much about the story, but I thought everyone involved were teenagers and the reason she was raped was because she couldn't give consent because she was passed out, not that she was a minor???
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  13. #28
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    Quote WintersTale View Post
    Back on topic....

    I think most people would have a strong reaction to rapists. Anything that is against consent is pretty sick...and that 16 year old couldn't give consent, because she was underage.

    I don't know, I start to feel that these rapists could be rehabilitated, and then I start to watch that video. Yes, it's out there. It's a product of sick minds, and the fact that these guys walked the streets really turns my stomach.

    It's the fault of the parents here, too. Someone raised these two boys to not respect women. What makes it even worse are the number of people who took videos with their cameras and did nothing to help her.

    It's overall really sickening. If I saw someone being sexually molested, I would try to help them. I wouldn't just stand around.
    I wouldn't watch that video. It doesn't matter to the justice system why you watched the video. The FBI plants illegal links and has arrested people and charged them with cp for just clicking on links they planted when there was nothing on the links and they had nothing else illegal. It doesn't matter to the government why you watched the video. All that matters is you watched, it and you knew she was a minor.
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  14. #29
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    Quote whiteman View Post
    I wouldn't watch that video. It doesn't matter to the justice system why you watched the video. The FBI plants illegal links and has arrested people and charged them with cp for just clicking on links they planted when there was nothing on the links and they had nothing else illegal. It doesn't matter to the government why you watched the video. All that matters is you watched, it and you knew she was a minor.
    She wasn't in the video. It was just the guys talking, and it was posted on the Huffington Post site.

    If anybody should be arrested, it should be the news media for posting that. All I did was stream it from their server.

  15. #30
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    Quote WintersTale View Post
    What bothers me (and I agree with you, Coffee) is that CNN, MSNBC, and Fox were all sympathetic towards the rapists. Like they actually didn't commit a crime.

    I'm sorry, but if you force yourself on someone who is passed out, and can't give consent, you are a rapist. If you argue that you aren't, you are a sexist pig.
    FoxNews was not sympathetic towards the two men. I guess they are convicted rapists now.

    They are going after Jodi Arias anyway. Now THERE'S a Fruit Loop.

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