You can try it, but I get the feeling it'll only work in the UK. Also, I'm not putting much stock in the program, the results just interested me.
I know doctors use drugs off label to treat other things that there not licensed for. My beta-blockers, for example, slow down the heart rate and are used as blood-pressure pills. The packet says that it's okay to use it for treating anxiety, but whilst in America over the summer, a pharmacist seemed shocked when I mentioned to him I was using Propranolol to treat anxiety. Which was kinda odd becauase I'm sure I've come across others from the Us who are on that med for anxiety.
10mg worked as a placebo for me for about the first two weeks of me using it. I was mega confident pretty much immeadiatley, but then it faded, and I went back to my same anxious self. I'm kinda a lightweight female too, and I'm on 40mg three times a day at the momment, which is the only dosage that's started to do something that's lasted two weeks.
Yeah, I think more people are prone to placebo's than others. I am a bit, I guess...but the effects just don't last.