I've just finished watching all 3 seasons of Gilligan's Island for the 9th time. If people can canoe to their island, why can't they build a raft and go to another island? Is it just because they don't know where they are? I mean, they are able to make bathtubs, huts, cars (yes, they have a car), but they can't seem to build something seaworthy enough to bring them off the island.
And it was a 3 hour tour. They have a gazillion things such as clothes, accessories. I do remember that in one episode, a crate washed ashore that had old movie stuff. Maybe every single thing they need such as electrodes, pulleys, and other metal gadgets was in that crate. Season 3 just had way too much nuclear reactors that were made out of coconuts.
As horrific as it is to make this statement, "I just don't think I believe Gilligan's Island can be real anymore."