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  1. #106
    WineKitty's Avatar
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    Interesting thread. I didn't know the mods were admins now over there. I haven't been on there all that much lately.
    "You can never really know a person and if you think you can, you're living in a fucking dream world!" David Fisher, Six Feet Under

  2. #107
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    Quote Otherside View Post
    Half the problem over there is the admins not logging in/overworked mods. A lot of the admins and mods on here are the old SAS mods (Ventura, Ironman is MM, Amocholes, Neptunus was one...). There wasn't 100% peace on the pre-mod change SAS, but things got locked a lot quicker, you didn't get banned for "site bashing and mod bashing". Maybe the trolls will come over. It's inevitable that they one day will, sadly. But I get the feeling that the mods here will deal with them better.
    otherside i hope your right

  3. #108
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    Wait, the mods are now admins?

    I went over there yesterday, and the new admins were trolling members. It's sad that a forum that is supposed to help the mentally ill, is making fun of them.

    I think all of the sources that have written for that site (psychologists and helpful articles) should pull their funding, or sue the site. That would wake them up.

  4. #109
    Total Eclipse's Avatar Happy Sparkles and Coffee
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    Quote Otherside View Post
    Half the problem over there is the admins not logging in/overworked mods. A lot of the admins and mods on here are the old SAS mods (Ventura, Ironman is MM, Amocholes, Neptunus was one...). There wasn't 100% peace on the pre-mod change SAS, but things got locked a lot quicker, you didn't get banned for "site bashing and mod bashing". Maybe the trolls will come over. It's inevitable that they one day will, sadly. But I get the feeling that the mods here will deal with them better.
    We took a lot of bashing... we just found it part of the "job" that we took on.... I had a few causes were I was attacked pretty badly and didn't wrap a perma ban (wouldn't of felt right). One case was a younger teen member who was dealing with a lot herself at the time didn't like me fixing her cencered words from "F*uck" to [BEEP] so it would **** out", anyways, she took 2 of my pictures and Photoshopped them. I had another moderator give her an infraction (and a 1 week ban).

    Another time was something really attackish through words and wouldn't stop, I had another mod give them a warning to chill. Other then that we really didn't warn / ban members for attacking us... Anything else "mods suck", or any other sort of "bashing" on how I moderated, ... ehh, whatevers although it made for an interesting night in board feedback. I have to admit though, new mods did have to put up for the backlash of frustrated members in the new system and admins ignoring them. People were angry over the change, and gave them [BEEP] when really they should of given the admins the concerns.

    We might get a troll once and awhile, but they will be taken care of quickly as we can spot. Don't worry about that.

  5. #110
    Otherside's Avatar
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    Quote WintersTale View Post
    Wait, the mods are now admins?

    I went over there yesterday, and the new admins were trolling members. It's sad that a forum that is supposed to help the mentally ill, is making fun of them.

    I think all of the sources that have written for that site (psychologists and helpful articles) should pull their funding, or sue the site. That would wake them up.
    Yeah, The Dark Knight is an admin anyways. I dont know about any of the others. I dont know what they've done or what they're doing because frankly, I don't care. I was unbanned a while back and I logged in a bit, but heck, modding and admin issues aside, it just seems to be one big popularity contest. It's sickening. I made a fake account. It's interesting how if you have a 2 figured post count and a join date of 2013, you're pretty much ignored on there.

    There's too many members on there that are just looking for popularity. Nothing wrong with them, and heck, I post on the silly off-topic threads on here. But I don't see how posting "INB4 the lock" or a stupid meme is going to help someones who asking for advise.

    Quote Ventura View Post
    We took a lot of bashing... we just found it part of the "job" that we took on.... I had a few causes were I was attacked pretty badly and didn't wrap a perma ban (wouldn't of felt right). One case was a younger teen member who was dealing with a lot herself at the time didn't like me fixing her cencered words from "F*uck" to [BEEP] so it would **** out", anyways, she took 2 of my pictures and Photoshopped them. I had another moderator give her an infraction (and a 1 week ban).

    Another time was something really attackish through words and wouldn't stop, I had another mod give them a warning to chill. Other then that we really didn't warn / ban members for attacking us... Anything else "mods suck", or any other sort of "bashing" on how I moderated, ... ehh, whatevers although it made for an interesting night in board feedback. I have to admit though, new mods did have to put up for the backlash of frustrated members in the new system and admins ignoring them. People were angry over the change, and gave them [BEEP] when really they should of given the admins the concerns.

    We might get a troll once and awhile, but they will be taken care of quickly as we can spot. Don't worry about that.
    Yeah, I have faith in you guys over here. You seemed to deal with SAS pretty well before all the mod changes, I have faith you'll do the same here if it comes to that. Most I've ever seen is "BUY DENTAL FLOSS" posts though, I've never really seen any actual trolling on here.

  6. #111
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    That's why I like this place better. We can actually discuss our issues without all the stupid gifs and things like that.

  7. #112
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    Quote WintersTale View Post
    That's why I like this place better. We can actually discuss our issues without all the stupid gifs and things like that.
    Holy cow was that annoying on SAS.

  8. #113
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    Quote Peaches View Post
    Holy cow was that annoying on SAS.
    There were some times that it was funny, like with all the Oprah Winfrey gifs...but it takes away from the content that you're posting. If you have to share your opinion through a gif, you don't really have much of an opinion at all.

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