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  1. #1
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    What social service does spam provide?

    I know it's advertising, but to throw an unsolicited advertisement at people is just rude. I know these are just ordinary people trying to make a living in sales. It's just annoying that their employer wants them to troll cyberspace throwing their product at us like we would jump at the chance to buy their shit.

    I get very insulted when I see spammers on forums. It's sleazy. Rather than pay for advertising, they infiltrate forums with their free advertising. Isn't there somebody to report them to? I know when I get spam in my mail, I immediately forward it to

    I also report unsolicited phone calls which somehow get past my no-call block. And I have a sign on my door "No Solicitation" and when people leave something on my door, I call the number and tell them how sorry I am to hear that their company employees can't read. Then I further tell them that I can't trust a company who never learned to read.

    Just ranting about rude people.
    The Hokey Pokey IS what it's all about

  2. #2
    Antidote's Avatar Rude & Shouty
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    Quote chantellabella View Post
    I also report unsolicited phone calls which somehow get past my no-call block.
    What kind of calls are you getting that bypass the no call list?

  3. #3
    Otherside's Avatar
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    Its the text ones that bother me. I keep getting texted by a company that claims to have access to my medical records/bank records, and claims that "I am eligible for compensation for that accident I had in the last six years" or "I was missold a loan in the last six years and can now claim back on Payment Protection Insurance" or the best one, "Claim back on the interest you paid on the payday loan you've taken out in the last two years"

    1-Six years ago, I was 12. I might be wrong, but I do believe that since I was a minor, I could not enter into a credit agreement or a be legally bound by a contract, and therefore, any loans I take out will be most likely unenforcable in court, and therefore, there's no way a credit company will lend to me. That, and I would have absolutley no way of paying it back. So no. I do not have any "missold loans". And for the record, it is illegal to look at my credit record without my permission. I dont have a bank overdraft and the money that's in savings shouldn't be on there. Therefore, I can only presume that you're another one of these companies that feels the need to type in random numbers and send texts. For the record, if I did plan to sue my creditors, I would not use a company that uses illegal practises.

    2)In the last six years, probably the most severe injury I've had is that I bashed my head on a rock and that was my own stupid fault. I'd been warned about how slippy the rocks were, and I still jumped on it. I highly doubt I can sue the boat company that took me over to see the islands. I also highly doubt that they even remember me. It is also illegal to look at my medical records without my permission.

    3)I have not taken out any payday loans. 4000% interest is something that rings alarm bells in my head, and theres no way I'm taking out a loan with that level of interest. (I'm not kidding). And as I said before, it is also illegal for you to look at my credit records without my permission.

    I dont have to pay to recieve texts so it's not that that bothers's just recieving them that bugs me. I think I once replied that I was 14 and informed them that I'd reported the text...haven't had any since.

  4. #4
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    Quote Antidote View Post
    What kind of calls are you getting that bypass the no call list?
    I've gotten calls about home security scams and surveys from companies I've never used. Yes, I know the charities can call, but I've gotten a scam or two come through. I like to mess with their heads before I hang up and report them.
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